Category: Database

ASP how to achieve file upload. Doc

1. Database table structure (Access):  The userid: Text (user ID) to save the uploaded file  On FileContentType: Text (used to save the uploaded file type, eg: “Application / msword”, used primarily to keep users can download this file correctly)  FileContent: OLE Object (save the file data)  2. HTML file  muploadfile.htm  <Form Name=”upload_file” enctype=”multipart/form-data” action=”muploadfile.asp” method=post>  <input type=hidden name=”UserID” value=”abc”>  the <input type=hidden name=”FileUploadStart”> ‘is used to indicate the start file […]

Oracle partition table summarizes

If you encounter a particularly large table in ORACLE, you can use the partition table to change the performance of their applications. If you encounter a particularly large table in ORACLE, you can use the partition table to change the performance of their applications. A company’s annual sales have a tremendous record, DBA recommendations to the company quarterly data on a […]

cell phone

With a cell phone, you know? 1, invisible backup battery Your phone is running low, in order to allow it to continue to use, press * 3370 # key, the phone will restart after the start, you will find that electricity consumption increased by 50%. This part of the hidden reserve capacity used you have to […]

JDBC to connect to the database on skills highlights

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java programming language. JDBC provides a standard API tool / database developers, enabling them to write database applications using pure Java API. Various developers, however, the interface is not exactly the same, so the development of changes in the environment will bring […]

The DedeCMSV53 any variable coverage holes

DedeCMSV53 released, but still not the variable thorough repair coverage holes. This loophole and ryat in that very similar 🙂 See the code in the core file include / // foreach($_REQUEST as $_k=>$_v) {     if( strlen($_k)>0 && eregi(‘^(_|cfg_|GLOBALS)’,$_k) && !isset($_COOKIE[$_k]) )//?     {         exit(‘Request var not allow!’);     } } This place can be bypassed by submitting _COOKIE variable filter cfg_ keyword followed by the code of the […]


Event-driven programming, known as the “form” and “control” object in VB. These objects interact with the user graphical interface (also known as the User Interface The user interface) and then design your application must take into account how users interact and procedures, users interact via mouse and keyboard with the application is the most direct and convenient […]

MS SQL to create a table-valued function

This is an example of creating a table, I feel very classic, so come up with to share with you CREATE FUNCTION [dbo]. [SplitToTable] ( @ RowData nvarchar (2000), @ SplitOn nvarchar (5) ) RETURNS @ RtnValue table ( Id int identity (1,1) Data nvarchar (100) ) AS BEGIN declare @ Cnt int Set @ […]

95% of people do not know is hidden phone functions can be life-saving

1, invisible backup battery Your phone is running low, in order to allow it to continue to use, press * 3370 # key, the phone will restart after the start, you will find that electricity consumption increased by 50%. This part of the hidden reserve capacity used you have to recharge, recharge time, invisible backup battery […]

The UNDO tablespace over-expansion, how can you do.

undo tablespace to keep the the data modification mirror, corresponding undo segment dedicated to storage, Oracle is also used to maintain the consistency of read (consistent read) with the rollback of the transaction to achieve and maintain transaction data read take. And transaction recovery (recovery transaction). Undo tablespace in 10g also has a special function is to […]

org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query

General This problem is due to the use of the tool automatically generates * Hbm.xml file occurs error, at the beginning of your program is good, but when you change the machine, access the database changes (may be used inside the table do not change), may occur org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: Could not execute JDBC Batch Update the […]