cell phone

With a cell phone, you know? 1, invisible backup battery Your phone is running low, in order to allow it to continue to use, press * 3370 # key, the phone will restart after the start, you will find that electricity consumption increased by 50%. This part of the hidden reserve capacity used you have to […]

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oracle pagination, increment fields, back insert record ID

Pagination And PG SQL mysql limit the different oracle pagination can use the following statement: $ Query = ‘Select * from (Select A. *, RowNum Rn from (‘. $ Query. ‘) A Where RowNum <=’. $ End. ‘) Where Rn> =’. $ Start; Description: $ Query: is you need pagination SQL Rownum: log sequence number returns a result set $ […]

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DBCC command

Transact-SQL programming language provides DBCC statements as Microsoft ® SQL Server ™ 2000 database console commands. These statements are physical and logical consistency of the database to be checked. Many DBCC statements can fix the problems detected. Database Console Commands statement is divided into the following categories. Statement classified perform the maintenance statement to the database, index […]

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Basic operation of database calls Asp.Net2.0

First, set the Web.Config. Delete <connectionStrings /> add the following code <ConnectionStrings> <Add name = “zgdxConn” connectionString = “Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = | DataDirectory | / newsData.mdb”providerName = “System.Data.OleDb” /> </ ConnectionStrings>   Read of asp.net2.0 in web.config database connection string two methods Method One: string myConn = System.Configuration. ConfigurationManager. ConnectionStrings [“zgdxConn”]. ConnectionString; Method 2: string myConn = System.Web.Configuration. WebConfigurationManager. ConnectionStrings [“zgdxConn”]. ToString ();   , Pour namespace          If the database is ACCESS: using System.Data.OleDb; If the database is SQL Server; using System.Data.SqlClient; […]

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JPA generic DAO package

EntityManager object in the Web container, need to do some improvements can be safer. Servlet is not thread-safe, so it is necessary to change the EntityManager object ThreadLocal class. ThreadLocal is to use a variable for each thread to provide a copy of the value of the variable, so that each thread can independently change their […]

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JDBC to connect to the database on skills highlights

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java programming language. JDBC provides a standard API tool / database developers, enabling them to write database applications using pure Java API. Various developers, however, the interface is not exactly the same, so the development of changes in the environment will bring […]

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Different backup name of the SQL database to store different path reduction method

Different backup name of the SQL database to store different path to restore the collection / * ————————————- ——————————- Author: htl258 (Tony) – Date: 2010-04-15 22:07: 01 – Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (RTM) – 10.0.1600.22 (Intel X86) Jul 9 2008 14:43:34 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: […]

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Worthy collection of Microsoft SQL Server SQL statement

Worthy collection of Microsoft SQL Server SQL statement 2007-11-07 16:04:00 Tags: the SQL basic skills operating statement [pushed to the technology circle] SQL statement previously written, it is easy to forget some special usage, I hereby order the operation of the SQL statement. First, the basic instructions: Create a database CREATE DATABASE database-name Description: delete the […]

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SQL * loader usage of Summary

Recently encountered in the project CLOB type large object imported into the database (Oracle), usually only copy on the line. But when they got clob on the line, asked a few of my colleagues have had no way to ask the leader and the background cattle they tell me to use pl / sql and toad […]

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mysql batch file to create a data import data

1, the establishment of a database file: mysqlCreatDB.sql create database mydb 2, provides a user with permissions file: grantUser.sql grant select, insert, update, delete, index, execute on mydb * to “identified by” 123456 “; 3, restore the database files: Mydb.sql 4, the batch file: mysqlConfig.bat @ ECHO OFF @ Set input1 = @ Set / […]

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